February 2020 Newsletter

What We Can Learn From February 14th


In early February 1930 St Josemaría wrote “There will never be women in Opus Dei. No fear!” But on February 14, while he was celebrating Mass, he discovered another defining aspect of God’s Will. Contrary to what he had thought, God wanted there to be women in Opus Dei.

It was as though the light that he had received less than a year and a half before on the 2nd October 1928 had been so powerful, so blinding, that he had not been able to see every part of what God wanted. Now that his eyes had become accustomed to the light, God was showing him some aspects that he had never dreamed of.


This gradual realization is typically divine: God normally lets us know what his Will is little by little, wrapped often in darkness, so that we can practice the virtue of faith. First he shows us one aspect of what he wants, and then another, and later still, another. This shows God’s wisdom and his patience in teaching us. The Founder of Opus Dei said, “If, in 1928, I’d known what was awaiting me, I would have died. But God our Lord treated me like a child. He didn’t hand me the full weight all at once, but led me on little by little…”

Yet another foundation insight was to come. God had sown in St Josemaría’s soul a deep apostolic zeal for priests. At the same time, there was a pressing apostolic need, because the more his apostolate grew, the more clearly he saw that it needed priests who were formed in the spirit of Opus Dei and who could dedicate themselves to it completely. He kept praying and asking the Holy Spirit for light, so that a solution could be found that unites the essentially secular character of Opus Dei with the priestly ordination of those who were needed for the service of a universal apostolate. The problem was finding the most appropriate canonical formula.

That situation of uncertainty was also resolved “in God’s own style”. “After I had looked for the canonical answer and failed to find it,” wrote the Founder of Opus Dei, “our Lord chose to give it to me, precisely and clearly.” On the morning of February 14, 1943, while he was celebrating Mass, a light shone in his mind. “And when I finished celebrating,” he recalled, “I drew the seal of the Work, the Cross of Christ embracing the world, set in the heart of the world; and I could talk about the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross.”

Once again God had shown him the way. That was the solution he had sought for so long without finding it: the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross. It was a solution that responded fully to the light he had received on October 2, 1928, when he had seen Opus Dei with lay-people and priests working in close cooperation.

Taken from https://opusdei.org/en-sg/article/february-14-1930-and-1943-new-foundational-lights-of-opus-dei/

Who Doesn’t Need This!

The purpose of a retreat is to help you turn a few days into an important turning point in your life, one that leads to your own happiness and directly affects the happiness of the people whom you love most.

This may strike you as quite a high-reaching ambition. Unrealistic, you may think. But it isn't. The fact is that God himself has ambitions for your happiness that you've scarcely begun to imagine. And his will for you, for the rest of your life on Earth, is what a retreat is all about.

Please visit https://www.shellbourne.net/retreatsformen/retreats/ to register for a 2020 Shellbourne retreat. Online registration is available at this site. Space is limited so hurry and make your reservation!

Remember that you can now make tax deductible donations online at our secure site: https://midtownculturalcenter.org/.

"Your work must become a conversation with Our Father in heaven.” St. Josemaria Escriva


March 2020 Newsletter


January 2020 Newsletter