January 2020 Newsletter

What Makes A Good Year?

What do we mean when we wish someone a Happy New Year? No doubt we mean a year free from illness, pain, trouble or worry; that we want the person to flourish, make plenty of money, and receive good news every day. In short, that nothing unpleasant may happen to that person. It is good to wish these things for others. The coming year, however, will bring its share of happiness and trouble for all of us.

A good year for a Christian is one in which both joys and sorrows have helped him to love God more. A good year is one in which we have served God and our neighbor better even if, on the human plane, it has been a complete disaster. For example, a good year could be one in which we are attacked by a serious illness provided we know how to use it for our sanctification and that of those close to us. A year having trials, troubles, misfortunes, and necessities can be the best year if we make use of the graces God keeps in store for us which can turn to good the greatest misfortunes.

May we all have a good year so that when it is over we can come before God with our hands full of all the joys and sorrows that we offered to Him.

See “In Conversation with God”, Volume 1, The Christmas Season - 31 December.

New Scepter Releases


The Well of Life By George Chevrot

This book leads the reader to understand in a deeper way the meaning of the unusual encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at Jacobs’ well. Chevrot’s commentary and details show that something extraordinarily new is taking place. Sinful but repentant people, not only the faithful and justified, are now also entrusted with spreading the new kingdom of Christ. The book’s 24 chapters also tackle other important topics like prejudice, of what use is religion, not being scandalized, confession of sins, Christian obedience, and many more.

God and Children By Fr. Jesus Urteaga

(1921-2009) is a writer who gave exceptional value to the human side of life, and its enrichment by an ongoing struggle for virtue. Yet he never lost sight of the importance of grace. He addresses parents in their sometimes-difficult job of raising children to be not only men and women, but Christian saints. His modus operandi is that life is truly worthwhile if it is lived for the love of God. In these chapters, he draws on his own rich experience as a teacher and spiritual director. He adds Christian doctrine, human, and common sense to make God and Children a book for all parents and especially those of young children.

Who Doesn’t Need This!

The purpose of a retreat is to help you turn a few days into an important turning point in your life, one that leads to your own happiness and directly affects the happiness of the people whom you love most.

This may strike you as quite a high-reaching ambition. Unrealistic, you may think. But it isn't. The fact is that God himself has ambitions for your happiness that you've scarcely begun to imagine. And his will for you, for the rest of your life on Earth, is what a retreat is all about.

Please visit https://www.shellbourne.net/retreatsformen/retreats/ to register for a 2020 Shellbourne retreat. Online registration is available at this site. Space is limited so hurry and make your reservation!

All Chicago Area Men’s Recollections

Midtown Center

1825 N Wood Street, Chicago 

All Ages:

7:00 - 9:00 PM

3rd Mondays

30 and Under:

7:00 - 9:00 PM

2nd Mondays

Spanish, All Ages:

St. Josemaria Chapel

3:00 – 5:00 PM

3rd Sundays

Northridge Prep

8320 Ballard Road, Niles 

7:30 – 9:30 PM

2nd Mondays and the following Tuesdays

Downtown Chicago

721 N. LaSalle Street

3rd floor, Catholic Charities

5:15 – 7:15 PM

(5:00 PM Confessions begin)

2nd Thursdays

St. Mary’s Church

175 E. Illinois Road, Lake Forest

7:30 – 9:30 PM

3rd Mondays

Darien Center

7800 S. Cass Ave. Darien

7:30 - 9:30 PM

1st Mondays and Wednesdays

10:00 AM – Noon

1st Wednesdays

Ends with Lunch!

Remember that you can now make tax deductible donations online at our secure site: https://midtownculturalcenter.org/.


February 2020 Newsletter